

Study Abroad Salon at Nanning No.2 Middle School


On the first day we were at Nanning, our team met with the admissions tutor, headteacher, and several of the international teachers and engaged in a thorough exchange of ideas. The teachers from Nanning talked about the current state of teaching at the school and Blue's Co-founder Miss Guo shared her knowledge of the overall trend of study in Britain. These included data regarding Oxbridge, the G5, and Chinese international applications.

In the afternoon, Blue's team lead a study salon dedicated to the realities of studying abroad. Over 150 parents attended as Miss Guo shared her personal experience and addressed questions such as: why she chose to study abroad, what Oxford brought her, and what are some of the advantages of studying in Britain. During the Q&A section of the salon, Miss Guo gave advice on how to prepare for an application to a G5 university.



After the presentation, the parents asked some of the many questions they had. Topics covered included application criteria for the G5, how to select A-Level courses, what preparation should be done at each stage of high school, and the application requirements of Oxbridge. The salon retained a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, teachers and parents were able to communicate and there was plenty of time to answer all the questions.



The second day revolved around a face-to-face session with the students. We learned about their current learning situations, their desired future universities, and the application plans the teachers had made for the students. The pupils were then able to ask questions of the Blue team, and these questions were much more targeted towards their individual situations. The students showed a profound and detailed understanding of what they wanted to achieve.


During the two days of talks at Nanning, the Blue team was delighted by the level of attention generated by the idea of studying in the UK, from students, parents, and teachers. A fact that was later represented by the number of students who expressed interest in studying in the UK. We did our best to answer every question we could in the short two-day exchange and hopefully the students of Nanning benefited from the help of our team.